The number of slots available under the scheme are 100 per year The tenure of the award is five years with no provision for further extension.
The financial assistance available under the scheme is as follows:  
Fellowship @Rs.38,800/--p.m. for fresh candidates.
@Rs.46,500/--p.m. after two years.
Contingency A @Rs.50,000/-p.a. for five years
Escorts/Reader assistance @ Rs. 2000/- p.m. (fixed) in cases of PWD (Person with disability)

HRA : 1).Suitable single-seated hostel accommodation may be provided to the candidates in the institutions. In such cases, the fellow is eligible to draw only hostel fees excluding mess, electricity, water charges, etc. A certificate to this effect is to be furnished through the Registrar/Director/Principal. HRA is not permissible for those candidates who are staying in Hostel accommodation.

2). In case of non availability of hostel accommodation, the fellow may be provided with single accommodation by the host institution. In such cases, the rent paid by the fellow on actual basis may be reimbursed subject to the ceiling of HRA as per Govt. of India norms.

3). If the fellow makes her own arrangements of accommodation, she may be entitled to draw HRA as per categorization of cities by the Govt. of India.